Kamis, 19 April 2012

personal pronouns and adjective clause

personal pronouns and adjective clause

Personal pronouns adalah kata ganti untuk orang, binatang, tempat, atau sesuatu benda. Dalam kalimat, personal pronouns dapat digunakan sebagai subjek (the subject of a verb) maupun objek (the object of a verb).

Subject Pronouns
Personal pronouns yang digunakan sebagai subjek kata kerja adalah I, you, he, she, it, we, dan they. Perhatikan contoh kalimat berikut ini:
- Lisa likes cats. She has four cats.

Pada kalimat pertama, Lisa (proper noun) adalah subjek kalimat atau subjek kata kerja likes. Sedangkan pada kalimat kedua, she adalah subjek kalimat dan sebagai kata ganti untuk Lisa.

Beberapa contoh personal pronouns sebagai subjek:
- My name is Michael. I am fourteen.
- My father works hard. He works in a factory.
- My sister is older than me. She is twelve.

- Our dog is very naughty. It likes to chase cats.

- Bob, you are a bad boy!

- David and I are playing football. We like sports.

- Jim and Jeff are my brothers. They are older than I am.
adjective clause

Adjective clause adalah klausa yang berfungsi sebagai adjektiva. Seperti telah kita ketahui, adjektiva adalah kata yang menerangkan nomina. Jadi, adjective clause juga berfungsi demikian, yaitu memberi keterangan pada nomina.

Adjective clause adalah tanggungan klausul yang memodifikasi sebuah kata benda. Hal ini dimungkinkan untuk menggabungkan dua kalimat berikut untuk membentuk satu kalimat yang berisi Adjective clause

* The children are going to visit the museum.
* They are on the bus.

The children who are on the bus are going to visit the museum.
| adjective clause |

Dalam kalimat di atas, ada dua cara lain untuk menulis kalimat dengan benar menggunakan kalimat kedua sebagai Adjective clause :

* The children that are on the bus are going to visit the museum.
* The children on the bus are going to visit the museum.

Beberapa kalimat lain dapat dikombinasikan menjadi kalimat dengan menggunakan Adjective clause dalam berbagai cara, dan mereka semua benar. Perhatikan berbagai cara di mana dua kalimat berikut dapat dikombinasikan.

* The church is old.
* My grandparents were married there.

The church where my grandparents were married is old.
The church in which my grandparents were married is old.
The church which my grandparents were married in is old.
The church that my grandparents were married in is old.
The church my grandparents were married in is old.

Dalam kalimat di atas, Adjective clause digarisbawahi. Semua jawaban yang benar. Perhatikan penggunaan kata “in” dan bagaimana dan di mana ia digunakan.Adjective clause dimulai dengan relative pronoun atau relative adverb.

Berikut ini beberapa contoh adjective clause:

Adjective clause dengan relative pronoun

* The man who is sitting over there is my father.
* The book which you bought yesterday is very interesting.
* This is the place that I visited some years ago.
* Mr. Bambang whose son is my friend is presenting a paper in a seminar.

Adjective clause dengan relative adverb

* This is the reason why she did it.
* The time when the plane takes off and lands will be changed soon.
* Palembang is the place where I was born.

Dalam contoh-contoh di atas bisa kita lihat bahwa adjective clause tersebut menerangkan nomina yang ada di depannya (antecedent).

* Adjective clause who is sitting over there menerangkan nomina the man.
* Adjective clause why she did it menerangkan nomina the reason.

Minggu, 15 April 2012

kalimat active and passive

1.  Active  : Gilles will hire this motorcycle     
     Passive : the bike will be hired (by) Gilles.
2.  Active : Saminah send her money
     Passive: Her son sent money by Saminah.
3.  Active : He had to clean house
     Passive: The house must be cleaned. (by him)
4.  Active : He will visit major tourist attractions in West Java.
     Passive: The attractions in West Java, will he go.
5.  Active : We have not discussed this issue.
     Passive: The problem we have not talked about.
6.  Active : I put the book into the bag.
     Passive: The book that I put in the bag.
7.  Active : I've sent the drug to Saminah.
     Passive: The medicine was sent to me Saminah.
8.  Active : Doni has not returned my novel.
     Passive: I was not novel in return Doni.
9.  Active : Many people visit Borobudur on Sunday.
     passive: the day of the week many people are visiting Borobudur.
10. Active : The doctor is examining disease patients.
      passive: the patient's disease was checked by a doctor.

Jumat, 13 April 2012


Angan hidupku melayang
Disaat aku mengingatmu
Banyak kata yang tak sempat kuucap
Berlalu cepat kau tinggalkan aku
Tinggalkan semua cerita
Yang layak kukenang
Wahai sahabat .....
Kurindu canda tawamu

Namun .........
Semua itu hanyalah sejuta mimpi
Kerapuhan hatiku, terjamah sudah
Saat kau kembali kepadaNya
Bersama dua cahaya yang menyertaimu
Tuk slamanya hingga akhir hayatku
Kau ada di hatiku ......Sahabat.
karena sahabat, ku masih berdiri disini
karena sahabat, ku masih bisa tersenyum seperti detik ini
karena sahabat, ku bisa tertawa disaat sedihku
kuharap kau tak letih menjaga persahabatan kita..
kuharap persahabatan kita kekal abadi..

Minggu, 01 April 2012

kalimat presen tense dan continous

presen tense

Dalam bahasa Inggris Present Tense atau Simple Present Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa, kejadian, kegiatan yang terjadi saat ini.
Present Tense juga digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu Fakta/ hal-hal umum, atau kehiatan yang tejadi berulang-ulang dimasa kini.

Rumus :
Positif: S + V1 (s/es)
Negatif: S + DO/DOES + NOT + V1
Tanya: DO/DOES + S + V1

kalimat positif.

-she drinks cofee
-I drinks tea
-we drinks coffe
 -you like cofee
kalimat negatif

-I do not drink coffee.
-She does not drink coffee.
-John Scoping does not learn english.
kalimat tanya

-When Do you drink coffee?
-What does she drink?
-What do you know coffee?
presen continuous

Present Continuous Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan, mengatakan suatu yang sedang terjadi saat ini, sedang berlangsung saat ini
Positif: S + Tobe + Ving
Negatif: S + Tobe+ Not+ Ving
Tanya:   Tobe + S + Ving

kalimat positif

- I am writing now
- You are reading my article at present
- She is waiting for you.

kalimat negatif

- I am NOT writing now
- You are NOT reading my article at present
- She is NOT waiting for you.

kalimat tanya

- Are you writing now?
- Are You reading my article at present?
- Is She waiting for you.